yeah so now we are all set! we are going to go in for this project for like 100% and its going to be so cool!

Really likes this group a lot and i think we work together great, sometimes we have our fights but in the end it all comes together as a nice soloution and everybody is happy.

Well , tommorow are my friend comming here and are staying to monday! Nice to have som friends over to this isolated place!

My birthday is comming up and i have not yet came up with something to wish for.. suggestions?

for now.. a small 10 minutes piece

Experience Technology!


ye we started this new module this tuesday and we will work with this for 4 weeks and it feels really good , i happend to been placed in a really good group and we are working with our project now.

It will be presented next tuesday and i think we are going to do a hell of a show! haha.

Was asked to do an animation for IDG today allso and i´ve got a new job agarding the posters so .. ye world here i am!


Yeah! Now back on track! Got a call at friday afternoon asking me if i could do some flyers and a poster to a nightclub in my hometown! well.. now i am done! really fun and i am really pleased with the results!

this weekend was really nice

if it will continue like this i will be the white version of 50cent in no time!

Information Society!

Well now we are all set , we have done the task!
I think it was a really nice task witch made me open up my eyes about the bussines and what all the agencys are all about within the clients and whats hot and whats not.

Our group had some difficulties about the groupwork but in the end we got it all working and now when the result is in front of me i think it turned out great as the first task.

Now i am really eager to get the next task!


Yeah! we had the founders of the agency Kong over at our school today
well shortly i thought them was really nice people who actually looked for people
from hyper to do internships at their place.

It sounded like a great place but they just came up with the ideas and the mockups,sketches
then they were going to hire other agencys to do the work and for me it dont sounds
like something that intrests me, i want a agency who does everything from scratch to grand finale!

Would really like more agencys to come to our school and present themself!

thank you Kong for the presentation about your agency!

Motion Week

well.. how should i start? it has been awsome and really fun but not that much of sleep..
but hey i am proud of my work and what i could actually do in a week!

I think i am going to evolve my skills much more and push my boundaries to learn some 3d and get more into the deepth of after effects.

We allso had a group project , OK that didnt went that god as a group thing but everybody in the group learned the program better then i expected and for that i am very proud over my group and the final composition.

I allso think that about this motionweek you really see on the final outcome wich people who actually gives 100% in the school and for what i have seen almost everybody was taking this task seriously and thats make me glad.


I am thinking about buying a camera so i can give this blog some nice photos.. it is a bit boring i think..


My motion goals for the future!

-Learn 3d and interact it with After Effects
-Learn more about tracking.
-Do 1 project a month beside the school
-Internship on a motion studio..


Here is the result of a weeks work.



My name is Emil Rydberg and i am a proud student of Digital Media at Hyper Island wich just started here and looking forward to spend the following 2 years in this prison of creativity.

I am into a lot of illustration , print and motion graphics and really enjoy doing that kind of stuff.

I would describe myself as an outgoing person with a lot of humour and ideas, i know the process in mostly areas of the graphical work wich can be bad sometimes when i am thinking about the process to much and dont puch my boundaries of how much i can take , thats something i am really going to improve within theese 2 years.

For now on i will give you my thought about the process in the school , show off my work and just preparing for the real world.

