yeah will stop blogging here, follow a new start at

I am not sick!

yeah so the snow have fallen down in my hometown and it was a great weekend at home with just relaxing and get cured from my pneumonia..

Now we have the module visual&communication and today Pixar was here to give us a lecture , i found it really good and fun to see how they worked and see step by step how to make a pixar film.

I don´t think i am going to pixar but i really like the things they deliver to the theaters.

Well , todays creation is a logotype.. weho!

I have decided to drop my big motion project and split it to a big part to my showreel , more time to do smaller and cooler animations to the showreel instead of a big thing that i will be boored of doing.

well.. for now on bye and dont be driven over by my bunny...


I am really sick of being sick. I can´t stand one day more in this apartment couffin and have fever.
I want to get healthy now so i can concentrate at the school again , i feel all dizzy now when i am trying to sit in front of my computer.

one big thing that have brought some motivation is that my mother came on a visit here and that i got a new 24" samsung synchmaster. Now i can work on big areas ! wheo.

I am going to be a little bit more happier with this blog when i am healthy, for now on bye..

Concept Development

We are done!

Yeah this is a relief i can tell you!
I think our group was on the bottom for a while but in the end we really took the things seriously and just made it really great , i think the folks at the bank didn´t had that much english knowledge tough because the comments we was served was at a groundschool level of english. for example.

" you are bankrupt after 5 months " with bad accent..

after that we was... stunned.. how ? haha .. 

Then we checked our papers , ofcourse after they made their dessicion of denying us money.

enough.. here i will show u a fast motion made within 15-20 minutes , remember that folks. 

ReRoom fo life, a great site the population would have loved but the bankmans eyes took that away from u!



New week

This is the start of a new week and now the module really are going to be tough.

well , thursday i will go home to my hometown Pennybridge ! hell yeah! it´s my and my friends birthday so i want gifts from everybody thankzzzzzzz.....

yeah , photosession with hampus today! funny as hell.


yeah we are now about to begin to build our thing now.

Right now i am just a motionwhore wich is producing motion all days long and at the same time i am trying to quit "Snusa" , yeah swedish tobacco wich u put under your lip and all then it feeels so good and you dont want to put it out but you have to because you must eat and then u get unhappy and now i feel like shit , give me nicotine .. gah!

I feel like i am learning all the time but at the same time not? i want to produce more and more , and i am looking at other peoples work and admire them. Fuck.

This weekend there not going to be any alcohol! pure healthy weekend with motion. yeah i am a whore.

I like this new life , no nicotine , work out , eat healthy and design more. i want to keep this up.

and yeah , thank you carin for your support appreciate it a lot.

-- motion info --

2 motions á la 13 seconds each produced yesterday. kiss me and so on...


yeah so now we are all set! we are going to go in for this project for like 100% and its going to be so cool!

Really likes this group a lot and i think we work together great, sometimes we have our fights but in the end it all comes together as a nice soloution and everybody is happy.

Well , tommorow are my friend comming here and are staying to monday! Nice to have som friends over to this isolated place!

My birthday is comming up and i have not yet came up with something to wish for.. suggestions?

for now.. a small 10 minutes piece