The spec1 is over!

Yeah the spec 1 is over and i am happy! the project life cycle has begun!

I am with Peter , Hampus and Jocke as a Pm and it will be so fun!
We are going to work with the client Grönsaker direkt  (Vegetables direct ) )which needs a lot of work to reach out! haha.

For now on i have tried to paint seriously in photoshop but i have to struggle a bit with it , i will try a new compo to don´t get stuck with this forever , will allso try to develop my skills in Maya allso , a new start a new journey!

Oyeah i want to go on the internship now! and .. yeah visit Örebro pretty soon allso!

For now on enjoy the unfinished project & my new bussines card & a new painting & me @

Design Spec1


Yeah today the specc started and i am very glad to have choosen design and excited to see what this module can do for my own style and developing.

The assignment we was given today was that we should choose a designer and tommorow we will "design the designer" this will be challenging and fun i think.

Cya tommorow!


Today is the "Design the designer" and i choosed Saul Bass witch is a personal favorite witch was revoultionary in title sequenses to big movies of Alfred Hitchkock.
We will do this in print so no animating for me today , will be challenging and fun.

I´ve choosed Hyper Island as Retroperspective and will come up with something
that stands for what i saw Hyper Island as and what it is now in my eyes.

I will try to get it a personal touch and at the same time have a clear message to the viewers of my opinions about the expaning that the school is doing right now.

For now on i must work.


Today when i´ve arrived to the school i just looked at my work that i did yesterday and didn´t feel good with it so i throw it in my trashcan and redone everything.
It was a healthy desicion , because now i feel a bit better with the final picture.

I still thought about this assignment as a good thing where you tried to implement a designers style into a new work done by me.

The presentations starts by 13.00 pm and now it is 11.30 am , time to do some more research.

We have had our presentations now , it was a bit to much i think , would be nice to have like an exhibition in some way , to complex and way to much time spent on computer problems and so on, overall i think this was a bit boring excerisice but still fun to try out someone others style.


Yeah today we rescived our new task.. and i don´t understand what this is ?
It was just repetition and i don´t want to bother to lay 6 hours making repetition of something that i can use to learn something new instead.

The task

Redesign your work in 5 programs

After Effects
and last but not least... HTML

So this is the deal! We have are going to do our work all over again but it must look the same as yesterday! 5 times! 1 in each program , good work guys !

I am a bit furious now but i will still do it.

" do a still image in after effects "

Why don´t push the reset button on me instead?

-- Update is coming --



Here we go !

i have been reeeaaally lazy in the past weeks with no update at all , i have just been home chilled out with my friends and family but now i am back on track and some new things is on the move ! i am almost done completly with my portfolio , i have done 2 prints , 2 motionworks are on their way now AND i am learning 3d as a horse on crack.

No need to sleep fuckers.

I am allso quitting with the nicotine and have been beginning on kick box .. hurting my mouse hand as a first step wasn´t the best thing maybee but whatever.


Yeah it is monday again and a new module is starting , here i am.. feeling like i want to sleep 2 days in a row.

I am setting a fucking checklist so i do what i has planned to do this week!

  • Do mattepainting for scene2 , finnish scene 1.
  • Workout
  • Sketch my portfolio and maybe start with some css/ xhtml
  • Be awake at all the lectures.

So there you have it , i am pretty satisfied with the list i think haha.

Well , now i am going to get some sleep.

And yeah , tiger tunes.. awsome.

Concept development

yeah so we started this new module and i came in the same group with a lot of people that i like so thats very nice :)
this module has started really slow wich i dont like that much , i think it could have been more speed and pressure in the beginning because i think people looses their activity and feel that they can relaxy right thruu the whole module..

well maybee something to say to the module leaders and so on.. yeah ! whine baby whine!

this saturday i´ve spent snoozing and sketching and now i am really hungry , time for the saturday kebab!

here are som things that was done today and yesterday.

.. and yeah , a logo for me ! only me is under construction and allso sketching for my own portfolio..

TODAYS SHOUTOUT: the crewsite, anyone? i am furious..

Almost there

Now we have the rigging part left to do , all the tech stuff must work together... not the easiest part?.. A webcam that detect motion and transform it into a 180degrees screen split in two projected in a 360degrees room wich has been build to be completly dark.

yeah sounds fancy and yes it is! Yesterday i spend my last time before the sleeping session with after effects , yeah i am happy with the result for just 1-2hours work!

See ya all thursday moorning.

Experience Technology!


ye we started this new module this tuesday and we will work with this for 4 weeks and it feels really good , i happend to been placed in a really good group and we are working with our project now.

It will be presented next tuesday and i think we are going to do a hell of a show! haha.

Was asked to do an animation for IDG today allso and i´ve got a new job agarding the posters so .. ye world here i am!

Information Society!

Well now we are all set , we have done the task!
I think it was a really nice task witch made me open up my eyes about the bussines and what all the agencys are all about within the clients and whats hot and whats not.

Our group had some difficulties about the groupwork but in the end we got it all working and now when the result is in front of me i think it turned out great as the first task.

Now i am really eager to get the next task!


Yeah! we had the founders of the agency Kong over at our school today
well shortly i thought them was really nice people who actually looked for people
from hyper to do internships at their place.

It sounded like a great place but they just came up with the ideas and the mockups,sketches
then they were going to hire other agencys to do the work and for me it dont sounds
like something that intrests me, i want a agency who does everything from scratch to grand finale!

Would really like more agencys to come to our school and present themself!

thank you Kong for the presentation about your agency!

Motion Week

well.. how should i start? it has been awsome and really fun but not that much of sleep..
but hey i am proud of my work and what i could actually do in a week!

I think i am going to evolve my skills much more and push my boundaries to learn some 3d and get more into the deepth of after effects.

We allso had a group project , OK that didnt went that god as a group thing but everybody in the group learned the program better then i expected and for that i am very proud over my group and the final composition.

I allso think that about this motionweek you really see on the final outcome wich people who actually gives 100% in the school and for what i have seen almost everybody was taking this task seriously and thats make me glad.


I am thinking about buying a camera so i can give this blog some nice photos.. it is a bit boring i think..


My motion goals for the future!

-Learn 3d and interact it with After Effects
-Learn more about tracking.
-Do 1 project a month beside the school
-Internship on a motion studio..


Here is the result of a weeks work.