19 Years old!

Yeah now i am older! true true! 27th October was my birthday!

I spend it with my friends in Örebro and had a really great time with them , to bad to go back to school after this weekend , really going to miss all of u.. and ofcourse my family, thanks for all the support.

Now i am going to sleep and then work , then clean this mess up.. the apartment looks like shit. haha.

and yeah , i have smashed fucking cookies in my bags , the packaging could have been more planned by me but .. some cookies are still alive!

Logotype time

Well here i am , trying to do the logotype for me personally.

I have 2 of them , would be nice if someone had a comment for them.

The first picture is showing a mockup and a final version.

New week

This is the start of a new week and now the module really are going to be tough.

well , thursday i will go home to my hometown Pennybridge ! hell yeah! it´s my and my friends birthday so i want gifts from everybody thankzzzzzzz.....

yeah , photosession with hampus today! funny as hell.

Concept development

yeah so we started this new module and i came in the same group with a lot of people that i like so thats very nice :)
this module has started really slow wich i dont like that much , i think it could have been more speed and pressure in the beginning because i think people looses their activity and feel that they can relaxy right thruu the whole module..

well maybee something to say to the module leaders and so on.. yeah ! whine baby whine!

this saturday i´ve spent snoozing and sketching and now i am really hungry , time for the saturday kebab!

here are som things that was done today and yesterday.

.. and yeah , a logo for me ! only me is under construction and allso sketching for my own portfolio..

TODAYS SHOUTOUT: the crewsite, anyone? i am furious..

Almost there

Now we have the rigging part left to do , all the tech stuff must work together... not the easiest part?.. A webcam that detect motion and transform it into a 180degrees screen split in two projected in a 360degrees room wich has been build to be completly dark.

yeah sounds fancy and yes it is! Yesterday i spend my last time before the sleeping session with after effects , yeah i am happy with the result for just 1-2hours work!

See ya all thursday moorning.


about the two motions i did here are they ! will allso throw up a image i sat with yesterday , just being waiting to animate it!

Today it is the gym and then school for bulding the exhibition! will be a lot of fun for shure.

Landscape motion


yeah we are now about to begin to build our thing now.

Right now i am just a motionwhore wich is producing motion all days long and at the same time i am trying to quit "Snusa" , yeah swedish tobacco wich u put under your lip and all then it feeels so good and you dont want to put it out but you have to because you must eat and then u get unhappy and now i feel like shit , give me nicotine .. gah!

I feel like i am learning all the time but at the same time not? i want to produce more and more , and i am looking at other peoples work and admire them. Fuck.

This weekend there not going to be any alcohol! pure healthy weekend with motion. yeah i am a whore.

I like this new life , no nicotine , work out , eat healthy and design more. i want to keep this up.

and yeah , thank you carin for your support appreciate it a lot.

-- motion info --

2 motions á la 13 seconds each produced yesterday. kiss me and so on...